Federal Employees
Henley Wealth Group
You’ve worked tirelessly and now it’s time to prepare for a fulfilling retirement that you deserve. We are here to help get you there.
Serving You While You
Serve Others
While federal employees have arguably the best retirement system in America, it is also arguably the most confusing. Between knowing the different investment funds in the Thrift Savings Plan (“TSP”), the Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (“FEGLI”) plan, and all of the different rules about withdrawing your retirement funds, fully understanding the Federal Employee Retirement System (“FERS”) can be overwhelming. Fortunately we have vast experience with and knowledge of the ins and outs of FERS. Let us educate you on all of your options and guide you through the Henley Wealth Group process.

Benefit Analysis
Pension Calculation
Sick/Annual Leave
Health Plan
FERS Supplement
Optimize Finances
Income Gap Analysis
- Distribution Strategy
- Tax
- Legacy
Paperwork Assistance
- Retirement Paperwork
- Military Buy-Back
- TSP Transfers/Distributions
- Reimbursements